About Us

The evaluation process has been designed by keeping a development profile for each child. The profilepresents information on the children and their development in a continuous manner. It focuses not only on learning subjects but on the total personality development of the child. Information on the children is gathered by the teachers through observation in classrooms, activity rooms as well as outdoors, personal discussion, worksheets, oral work, clay, music, dance, physical training, etc. Routine kind of homework is deliberately avoided to reduce pressure on children and make schooling joyful. There is continuous observation of children in different aspects of development. The attempt is to translate the curriculum in a more personalized, joyful and fun manner, relevant to individual learning styles of children.

Aim & Objectives
Blooming Dales` Modern School to provide the best possible education to its students. Our primary aim is to develop in the student qualities of integrity, honesty, trust, tolerance and compassion, to promote a spirit of enquiry, to foster a scientific temper within the bonds of humanism, to help the student to become a meaningful part of his environment and to know that courage and industry have their due reward.
To make students realize that striving for excellence, in all areas of life must be the goal in life.
To encourage students to take pride in their own achievements.
To make students aware that a disciplined environment contributes to the achievement of one’s goal .
Our Mission
The mission of the school is to impart moral values and enable the children to grow up into caring and sharing individuals, equipped for making the right choices in life and responsible citizens of the country and the world.
The Educational Approach
Developing critical thinking and analysis is therefore at the core of the School’s mission. The School also encourages students to respect and appreciate other people’s cultures, social structures, values and beliefs. Taken together, these objectives are designed to help equip children with the tools they will need to make their way in school, society and an increasingly interdependent world.
Teaching with technologies
Imparting knowledge using the tools of the day, whether modern or traditional, has been our forte. To remain at the cutting edge of education in the developing world, Blooming Dales` Modern Schools have sought, wherever possible, to bring to their students the most up-to-date systems that can be applied and managed by its schools. In all our schools, knowing-how is made easier by teaching with technologies.